What the heck is "Noggy" you ask? Well that just means something Christmas related! Look at all things Christmas in a new way, decorations, books, toys, poems, songs, you name it! Let your creative juices flow! If you just dont have time to be creative, throw on a Santa or elf hat... Trust me, you will not want to come as yourself. You could, and we would let you in, but people may point and laugh at you!
Make Sure You Can, Eat, Drink and Dance in Your Costume!
others have learned that its good to have a costume that you can eat in, drink in, dance in and move about freely without knocking things over too much!
If your costume is really warm, wear something under it so you can take it off if needed. (But only after the Parade of Costumes of course).
What is the Parade of Costumes You Ask?
Well, when the band is taking their break, probably around 9 pm-ish (we are loosey goosey!) We will announce the Parade of Costumes, which, just like everything else about Nog•Fest, is totally optional, but once again, participating is more fun.. and you could win a VALUABLE PRIZE!(in our opinion.) We have attendees march across our stage and "perform" what their costume is... or just walk across. A microphone will be available if needed.
Shedule of Events
6 PM:The egg nog and beer (and other beverages with an without alcohol) begin to flow. (The Nog is Virgin, but we have fixin's to help it lose its virginity, along with some nutmeg to add some spice!). Feel Free to bring wine if that is your thing.
8 PM: The unofficial 2016 Nog•Fest band "Unplugged and the Scrap Metal Horns" will get us up and dancing with their great cover tunes!
Find out more about the band on the Doing Good tab.
9-ish PM:Parade of Costumes!"Unplugged and the Scrap Metal Horns" will be thirsty and need a break, so it will be a perfect time for our Parade of Costumes! If you want, you get to parade across our stage and do whatever it takes to convince our panel of judges (mostly Kay and Harry) that YOUR COSTUME is worth of a Valuable Prize!
After 9:30-ish PM:"Unplugged and the Scrap Metal Horns" Will be all refreshed and ready to play some more, but please don't be alarmed if some of the band members jump off the stage and join yo on the dance floor, I mean really, who can blame them?
The band is playing for us for donations to a cause... who knows, if you keep throwing money in the bucket, they just may keep on playing... Please read more about it on the Doing Good tab.
After that: This party has been known to last into the wee hours of the morning... but alas, we are getting older, or are we? We are Generation NOG! Let's show the next Generation of Nog festers how to do it right! (Please be sure to have a designated driver, or leave your car and take a cab or Uber driver, or stay at the hotel on the Contact tab)
What to Bring
(Besides yourself in costume full of Holiday spirit!)
So, this party is a lot of work for us, (A labor of Love!) But bottom line is, we do supply some food, But we don't have time to make cute little cut out cookies and homemade fruitcake or figgy pudding. We supply some store bought food, lots of beer, nog, water and soda. So if every other person would like to bring something that they have laying around that they don't want to eat, because they already have too much Christmassy food that would be great! Or if you LOVE to bake or cook but have no one to eat it for you, then bring it here, it will be appreciated! In other words, feel free to something to put on our food table to share! FINGER FOOD is perfect...simple and easy. (Please bring it ready to serve and no need to heat, we will be busy socializing!). Everyone does not need to bring a dish, so if its not your thing or you don't have time, no sweat! We won't starve!
And, as though that is not enough to ask of our guests... (the NERVE of us!) We always like to do some GOOD for the community, so we ask that you also bring a non-perishable food item to toss into the bin that will be near the entrance, so you don't have to carry it around!
We will also have a Free Will donation bin for another worthy cause called Project SOAR. The band is not getting paid, they do this out of the kindness of their hearts, to help different local Charities! What a wonderful thing! So please remember this as you see them playing their little hearts out! They are worth a lot of money in my opinion! Find out more on the Doing Good tab.